Ptx File Viewer For Mac

  1. Ptx File Viewer For Mac Download
  2. Ptx File Viewer For Mac Windows 10
  3. Ptx File Viewer For Mac Os

E-Transcript files ensure page and line integrity, allow for custom formatting, and offer the security of a tamperproof, electronic signature. E-Transcript Reporter Edition and E-Transcript Manager are included in every RealLegal Workflow and RealLegal Enterprise subscription. The PTO file type is primarily associated with hugin by hugin-ptx group. Hugin is primarily a tool for assembling multiple photos and creating a seamless panorama. This process is completely automatic if you use the hugin Assistant tab, but hugin also allows full manual control of every stage. E-Transcript files ensure page and line integrity, allow for custom formatting, and offer the security of a tamperproof, electronic signature. E-Transcript Reporter Edition and E-Transcript Manager are included in every RealLegal Workflow and RealLegal Enterprise subscription. On Mac, Linux & Chrome OS The E-Transcript Viewer is for viewing PTX files created by E-Transcript Manager. Court reporting firms use E-Transcript manager to convert their ASCII files into either E-Transcript executable files, those that end with.exe, or E-Transcript PTX files, those that end with.ptx. This is the case with the.PTX file, which is associated with the 4 file types. The most common file format with the extension.PTX belongs to the 'Audio Files' category. The manufacturer of the file is Avid Technology. We have included on our pages information about all the file extensions with their brief description and programs to run them.

Last year I wrote up a how-to guide installing a .ptx viewer on a Mac for Mavericks and previous versions of OS X. Some steps in that process changed in Yosemite, so here are the steps.

Remember, this is a fairly involved process that takes tinkering under the hood of your Mac. Make sure you're comfortable using the command line. Some of the commands will take a while to run, so it's best to try and multitask while this is going on.

First, install XCode from the App Store. Then, open the Terminal applications (found at /Applications/Utilities/) and run the following command, which installs some command line tools you'll need:

Run the following command to agree to the XCode license:


Scroll to the end using the spacebar and type 'agree' to accept the license.

Next, you'll need the Macports package installation manager, available here. Choose the version that corresponds to your operating system, and install the package. When it's finished, run the following command to update Macports to the latest release (warning: this step can take a while, because it has to compile a bunch of code):

You'll also want to upgrade the installed ports (which can also take a while), as follows:

After this, you'll want to make sure MacPorts knows where to look for its files, which are in the /opt directory. Run this line of code to do so (H/T David Baumgold, whose great Wine on Mac tutorial I just discovered):

Next, we'll use Macports to install Wine:

This will take a few minutes for the files to download, compile, and install. After that, we'll have to install a couple of extensions for wine: (1) Mono, an open source version of the .NET framework; (2) a helper application, winetricks; and (3) Windows Media Player. (1) and (3) are required by E-Transcript Viewer 6.2, and (2) installs (3).

During this process, you're going to have some Windows windows pop up, as you would when installing software on a Windows machine. Make the appropriate selections (the default, preferably) to install the software.

Then, download and install the e-Transcript Viewer app, available here. Download the file, then type the following commands into your Terminal: as follows:

(Pro tip: when you're typing a file name into the Terminal, you can hit the tab key to auto-complete the name). Once you run this program, you'll get a popup telling you to install a couple of prerequisites. Click 'Install'. Check the default values for installation of the E-Transcript Viewer, and complete the installation.

Ptx File Viewer For Mac

Finally, we'll need to create a shortcut to the installed E-Transcript Viewer application, which is hidden. Open the TextEdit application, and click New Document. Copy and paste the following lines into the document:

Click Format > Make Plain Text. Save the file in the Applications Folder as 'E-Transcript Viewer.command'. Finally, go back to the Terminal window and enter the following commands so that the script we just created can be executed:

Now, you should be able to double-click the 'E-Transcript Viewer.command' file in the Applications folder any time you need to open a .ptx file. Here's the result:

If you get stuck at any point in the process, please let me know in the comments and I'll try to help. You can also holler at me @chaneylawfirm on Twitter. We'd also appreciate a follow on our blog at if you found the tutorial helpful, as I put these out from time to time. Thanks for reading.

UPDATED 6-25-2015: Genericized the home directory in the bash script per the comments.

Many people share .ptx files without attaching instructions on how to use it. Yet it isn’t evident for everyone which program a .ptx file can be edited, converted or printed with. On this page, we try to provide assistance for handling .ptx files.

4 filename extension(s) found in our database.

.ptx - Ptex Project

The PTX project files are related to Ptex. PTX file is a Ptex Project. Ptex is a texture mapping system developed by Walt Disney Animation Studios for production-quality rendering.

Project files
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Ptex Project related extensions:
Ptex Texture Data

.ptx - E-Transcript Document

The PTX document files are related to E-Transcript Viewer. PTX file is an E-Transcript Document. RealLegal E-Transcript is a self-contained, safe, non-editable electronic transcript recognized as the standard for the legal industry.

E-Transcript Viewer
Document files
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E-Transcript Document related extensions:
Fryrender Scene
Sketchpad Document
ZBrush Document
OpenModelica Notebook
Ichitaro 7.0 Template
XYZware 3D Document

.ptx - Mari Ptex Data

The PTX data files are related to Mari. PTX file is a Mari Ptex Data. Mari is a high-resolution digital 3D painting and texturing.

Data files
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Mari Ptex Data related extensions:
Mari Project Archive

.pef - Pentax Electronic Format

The PEF graphic files are related to Pentax Photo Browser. PEF file is a Pentax Electronic Format image. It is a raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of a Pentax digital camera. The Pentax Photo Browser seems to be no longer supported.

Pentax Photo Browser
Graphic files
- / -
Pentax Electronic Format related extensions:
EA Sports Game Graphic
Microsoft HD Photo
Windows Media HD Photo
Microsoft Fresh Paint Painting
Binary Linework TIFF Image
Leaf RAW Image

Naturally, other applications may also use the .ptx file extension. Even harmful programs can create .ptx files. Be especially cautious with .ptx files coming from an unknown source!

Can't open a .ptx file?

When you double-click a file to open it, Windows examines the filename extension. If Windows recognizes the filename extension, it opens the file in the program that is associated with that filename extension. When Windows does not recognize a filename extension, you receive the following message:

Windows can't open this file:
To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select one from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

To avoid this error, you need to set the file association correctly.

  • Open Control Panel > Control Panel Home > Default Programs > Set Associations.
  • Select a file type in the list and click Change Program.

The .ptx file extension is often given incorrectly!

According to the searches on our site, these misspellings were the most common in the past year:

ltx, otx, pfx, pgx, phx, prx, pt, pta, ptc, ptd, pts, ptz, px, pxt, pyx

Is it possible that the filename extension is misspelled?

Ptx File Viewer For Mac Download

Similar file extensions in our database:

Ptx File Viewer For Mac Windows 10

PX Submission Summary Data
ETCBC Parsed Text Data
Paradox Primary Index File
Pro/ENGINEER Exported Table
KNX ETS v2 Project
TX Text Control Data

Operating systems currently supports the following operating systems:

Ptx File Viewer For Mac Os

Windows XP/Vista, Windows 7/8, Windows 10, CentOS, Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android

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