Dosbox For Windows 7

Starting DOSBox isn't really that hard. All you need to do is click the icon. When DOSBox is started, a window will pop up. Press Alt+Enter at any time to make it fullscreen or exit fullscreen. DOSBox 0.74-2 has been released! A maintenance release for DOSBox 0.74, which solves the following problems: Windows: Fix auto/max cycles algorithm on Windows 7, which helps with stuttering audio. Mac OS X: Bring a 64 bit version and improve performance. Linux: Fix the 64bit dynrec cpu core and a lot of compilation problems. DOSBox Game Launcher: 0.83 (0.74-3 compat) Frontend in java DOSBox Gui: 0.7 Frontend for Zeta Boxer: 0.65a Frontend for Mac OS X DOSBoxGui: 0.5.3 Frontend written in Tcl/Tk Petit dosbox: 0.4 Frontend for Mac OS X RobyDOSBox: 0.3 Frontend for windows DBoxFE: 0.1.3 Frontend for Linux/Windows D. A graphical environment for DOSBox ScummVM. A cross-platform interpreter for many point-and-click adventure games Agat Emulator. Apple 2 and Agat 7/9 emulator Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding DeSmuME. DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator. DOSBox is one of the best applications you can find for playing classic video games on modern devices. In addition, since it was developed with SDL libraries, there are ports for countless platforms and architectures, from Windows and Mac to Linux, video game consoles, and microcomputers.

DOSBox-X 0.83.7 Release Notes


Release Date: November 1, 2020

Please report any issues in our issue tracker.

Also, make sure to check out our Wiki guide.

New in This Version

  • 32-bit and 64-bit x86 dynamic core
    With the new x86 dynamic CPU core for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, the overall emulation speed for DOS programs is noticeably improved. Set either 'core=dynamic' or 'core=dynamic_x86' to enable this core.
  • You can now emulate the speed in terms of CPU cycles for 286-25MHz, 386DX-25MHz, 486DX4-100MHz, 486DX5-133MHz, Pentium-60MHz, Pentium-75MHz, and Pentium-90MHz CPUs.
  • Opus CD audio tracks
    Support for cue sheets with Opus CD-DA tracks is now available, in addition to FLAC, MP3, WAV, OGG Vorbis CD-DA tracks already supported. Use either the menu or IMGMOUNT command to mount them.
  • DOSBox-X now supports full Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Break emulation in the DOS shell and DOS applications. You can also send Ctrl+Break as a special key from the 'Main' menu.
  • Support for save files and save remarks
    For the save and load state feature, you can now save to your own save files instead of pre-defined save slots. Save remarks can be entered too for both pre-defined save slots and your own save files.
  • A new config option 'windowposition' (in [sdl] section) is supported to set the window position at startup in the positionX,positionY format.
  • New clipboard copy and paste features
    There are new clipboard functions such as 'copy all text on the DOS screen' and 'Stop clipboard pasting' in the menu. Moreover, the mouse copy and paste feature is now supported in Linux and macOS SDL2 builds as well.
  • Support for FluidSynth MIDI Synthesizer is now included in the MinGW builds by default just like Visual Studio builds. Set 'mididevice=fluidsynth' and a soundfont file (e.g. GeneralUser_GS.sf2) to use it.
  • xBRZ scaler in Visual Studio SDL2 builds
    The xBRZ scaler is now enabled for Visual Studio SDL2 builds just like Visual Studio SDL1 builds. You can enable it either with the setting 'scaler=xbrz' or from the menu (from 'Video' -> 'Scaler').
  • You can enable this option to bypass the operating system's mouse acceleration and sensitivity settings. This works in fullscreen or when the mouse is captured in window mode.
  • Mount multiple disk or CD images from menu
    You can now mount multiple floppy, hard disk or CD images from the 'Drive' menu, swappable with 'Swap floppy' or 'Swap CD'. Command-line usage for this is no longer required.
  • It is now possible to change some text-mode related video settings such as the number of rows and columns directly from the menu (from 'Video' -> 'Text-mode').
  • Display Sound Blaster and MIDI device configurations from menu
    The menu items 'Show Sound Blaster configuration' and 'Show MIDI device configuration' are added to the 'Sound' menu to show the current configurations of the Sound Blaster and MIDI devices.
  • New website for DOSBox-X Wiki system
    The primary DOSBox-X Wiki (where you find the DOSBox-X user guide) is now located at the following URL, which is hopefully easier to remember:
  • Easier to navigate DOSBox-X default configuration file
    The primary DOSBox-X sample configuration file now contains common config options only, which should make it easier to navigate than before. The full configuration file is also separately available for users who want to use it.
  • Initial Linux Flatpak support was added in the previous version. This version improves it to make it work better.
  • New default 'Typical' installation for Windows installer
    The 'Typical' installation type is added in the Windows installer as the default installation. Unlike the full installation it will not copy all builds to subdirectories in order to make the installation faster.
  • Built-in real parallel port passthrough features in Windows
    The Windows DLL files inpout32.dll (32-bit) and inpoutx64.dll (64-bit) required for the direct parallel port passthrough feature are now included with Windows installer by default.
  • DOSBox-X will now use native Windows/Linux/macOS dialog box to display quit warnings and save state errors.
  • Reorganized some menu items
    Some menu items in the drop-down menus have been renamed or reorganized to make them look better or more clear than before.
  • The help messages for the DOSBox-X command-line options are improved, such as adding the new -silent and -socket command-line options.
  • Improved debuging options from Help menu
    The debugging-related functions are now availble from the 'Help' menu, including the debugger and more debugging functions which were previously under other menus.
  • Select a special key to send to DOS with the customized shortcut
    You can now select a special key (Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Break, Ctrl+Alt+Del, etc) to be sent from the key defined in the mapper editor. The key can be selected from the 'Send special key' menu group in 'Main' menu.
  • Shortcuts for copying all screen text and quick launch functions
    The functions 'CopyToClipboard' and 'QuickRun' are added to the mapper editor so that you can use shortcuts to activate them (default shortcuts: HOST(F11/F12)+A and HOST(F11/F12)+Q respectively).
  • Enable or disable US keyboard layout for PC-98 mode from menu
    You can now force the default US keyboard layout in PC-98 mode from the menu (from 'Video' -> 'PC-98' -> 'Use US keyboard layout') for those who want to use PC-98 mode without a Japanese keyboard.
There are also many bugfixes and other improvements, including ported recent DOSBox SVN commits. Please see the full changelogs below for more information.
4. Full Changelog In This Version
  • The primary DOSBox-X Wiki is now located at theURL: (Wengier)
  • Implemented the x86 dynamic core for both 32-bitand 64-bit systems by re-porting the code from SVN.Dynamic core now supports either the dynamic_x86or the dynamic_rec core. The dynamic_x86 core willbe used by default for x86 and x86_64 platforms andif 'core=dynamic' is set, and Windows 9x can be runin this dynamic core (although at this time mayencounter some issue with the S3 driver). You canalso explicit specify setting 'core=dynamic_x86' or'core=dynamic_rec' for either the dynamic_x86 coreor the dynamic_rec core. Also thank joncampbell123for the 64-bit fix. (Wengier)
  • You can now use your own save file (in addition tosave slots! There are now a 'Use save file' toggleitem and 'Browse save file..' for browsing savefiles on your computer. A config option 'savefile'(in [dosbox] section) is added to specify a savefile to use at start. (Wengier)
  • Save state feature now allows users to optionallyenter remarks when saving a state. A submenu group'Save/load option' is added (under 'Capture') whereyou can toggle menu items 'No remark when savingstate' (for disabling input of remarks when saving)and 'force load state mode'. A menu item 'Displaystate information' is added as well to display theinformation of the saved state. (Wengier)
  • DOSBox-X will now use native dialog box to displayquit warnings and save state errors. (Wengier)
  • Changed some DOS error messages (such as 'Illegalcommand' which now reads 'Bad command or filename')similar to real DOS systems. (Wengier)
  • ADDKEY and INT2FDBG commands now appear as programson Z: drive instead of shell commands. (Wengier)
  • Improved the -z (move virtual drive Z:) function ofMOUNT command. You can move the virtual drive asmany times as you want, and save/load states willwork even after you move the Z: drive. (Wengier)
  • Enhanced the config option 'freesizecap' to allowthe setting 'fixed' which is the same as 'false',and a new setting 'relative' is added, which willbe similar to the setting 'fixed' but the reportedfree disk size will also change relative to thechange of the free disk size ever since. (Wengier)
  • Added support for Opus CD-DA tracks by porting andcleaning up the source code from other projects.Many thanks to Marty Shepard and kcgen. (Wengier)
  • Support for FluidSynth MIDI Synthesizer is nowincluded in the MinGW builds by default just likeVisual Studio builds. Set 'mididevice=fluidsynth'and a soundfont file to use it. (Wengier)
  • Enabled xBRZ scaler for Visual Studio SDL2 buildsjust like Visual Studio SDL1 builds. (Wengier)
  • Added menu item 'Show Sound Blaster configuration'under 'Sound' menu to show the current informationabout Sound Blaster, and also menu item 'Show MIDIdevice configuration' (also under 'Sound' menu)to show information about the current MIDI devicesuch as the soundfont file in use. (Wengier)
  • Added 'Mount multiple disk/CD images' option to themounting options of the Drive menu to allow usersto mount more than one disk/CD images to a drive,swappable from the menu. Also added separators tothe Drive submenu to make it look better. (Wengier)
  • Added new CPU types to the 'Emulate CPU speed' menugroup namely 286-25MHz, 386DX-25MHz, 486DX4-100MHz,486DX5-133MHz, Pentium-60MHz, Pentium-75MHz, andPentium-90MHz. Thanks again for the data providedby the user maximus105. (Wengier)
  • You can now select a special key (e.g. Alt+Tab,Ctrl+Break, Ctrl+Alt+Del, etc) to be sent from thekey defined in the mapper editor. The key can beselected (Ctrl+Alt+Del by default) from the 'Sendspecial key' menu group in 'Main' menu. (Wengier)
  • Added full Ctrl+Break emulation at the BIOS andDOS level, updated console emulation to match.The 'Pause' mapper shortcut is now moved toHOST[F11/F12]+Pause instead of Ctrl+Pause so thatCtrl+Break can work properly for users, and thefunction to send the Ctrl+Break key from the menu('Send special key' under 'Main') is added. Also,the PC-98 STOP key now functions the same as theCtrl+C and Ctrl+Break keys in IBM PC mode.
  • Added functions 'CopyToClipboard' and 'QuickRun' tothe mapper editor so that you can use shortcuts toactivate them (default shortcuts: HOST(F11/F12)+Aand HOST(F11/F12)+Q respectively), and a defaultshortcut HOST(F11/F12)+V is added to the clipboardpaste function. Meanwhile, FullCore and SimpleCoreshortcuts are removed from the mapper. (Wengier)
  • Added two new menu items in the 'Shared clipboardfunctions' menu group under 'Main', including 'Copyall text on the DOS screen' which will copy allscreen text to the clipboard, and 'Stop clipboardpasting' which allows user to stop pasting in themiddle of pasting long clipboard content. (Wengier)
  • The mouse copy/paste feature is now available fornon-Windows systems on SDL2 builds. Also, pastingfrom the clipboard with a mapped shortcut is alsoavailable for Linux/X11 on SDL1 builds. (Wengier)
  • Added 'Use US keyboard layout' toggle menu item inthe 'PC-98' menu group under 'Video' to selectwhether to force the default US keyboard layout inPC-98 mode, same as the 'pc-98 force ibm keyboardlayout' config option in [pc98] section. Also movedthe 'PC-98 PIT master clock' options from the 'DOS'menu to this menu group. (Wengier)
  • The full dosbox-x.reference.conf file is renamed todosbox-x.reference.full.conf. The original filedosbox-x.reference.conf now contains common configoptions instead of all config options. (Wengier)
  • The CONFIG command and Configuration Tool will nowsave common and modified config options by default.The -all command-line option (or 'Save all optionsto the configuration file' checkbox) will force tosave all config options. A new -mod command-lineoption is added to CONFIG command to save modifiedconfig options only, and a new -norem command-lineoption is added to not write remarks. (Wengier)
  • Updated the Windows installer to default to the'typical' installation. For the full installationstart menu items will be added for DOSBox-X buildscopied to subdirectories. A new checkbox 'Writecommon config options (instead of all) to theconfiguration file' is added which when checkedwill only write common and modified advanced configoptions to the config file. Furthermore, for both'typical' and 'full' installations the Windowsinstaller will now also copies the DLL filesinpout32.dll (32-bit) and inpoutx64.dll (64-bit) tothe DOSBox-X install directory for use with thedirect parallel port passthrough feature. (Wengier)
  • Improved Flatpak support for Linux. (rderooy)
  • Improved message for the -help command-line option,adding for example -silent and -socket command-lineoptions in the help messages. (Wengier)
  • Added -silent command-line option to run DOSBox-Xsilently (without showing the DOSBox-X window) andthen exit after executing AUTOEXEC.BAT. (Wengier)
  • Fixed command-line option -socket not working forthe null-modem feature. (Wengier)
  • Fixed issue that aspect ratio not being respectedin full-screen mode when a GLSL shader is enabledwith an OpenGL output. (Wengier)
  • Fixed toggle in the 'Frameskip' menu group did notchange when selecting a different option. (Wengier)
  • Fixed shelling from programs may not work when theshell config option is set. (Wengier)
  • The default country setting ('country' option in[config] section]) now defaults to auto-detectionif possible, or 81 (Japan) in PC-98 mode. (Wengier)
  • Increased the default maximum DOS files (adjustablefrom [config] section) from 127 to 200. (Wengier)
  • Improved resetting with LOADLIN program. (Wengier)
  • Improved Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) implementation tomake it more accurately represent the GUS DMA stateas expected by the running DOS software.
  • The archive attribute will no longer automaticallybe applied to directories on non-Windows systems.This fixed issue with PLAYMIDI.EXE from GravisUltrasound when listing directories. (Wengier)
  • Applied hack to allow the low DMA channel detectionin the SB16 DIAGNOSE program to work. (Wengier)
  • The default setting of the clip_paste_speed optionhas been changed from 20 to 30, which will helpprevent lost keystrokes when pasting from the hostclipboard for some programs. (Wengier)
  • With Pentium CPU setting (cputype=pentium) DOSBox-Xno longer reports FDIV bug by default. An advancedconfig option 'report fdiv bug' is added to reportsuch CPU bug when set to true. (rderooy & Wengier)
  • Added support for the XDG_DATA_HOME environmentvariable for config directory in Linux. (rderooy)
  • Added support for compiling with pcap for WindowsMinGW builds. (Jookia)
  • Added config option 'windowposition' (in [sdl]section) to set the window position at startup inthe positionX,positionY format. (tomba4)
  • Added config option 'raw_mouse_input' (in [sdl]section; SDL2 builds only) to bypass the operatingsystem's mouse acceleration & sensitivity settings.Implemented by NicknineTheEagle.
  • Added config option 'startquiet' (in [dos] section)which when set to true will silence the informationmessages before launching Windows programs to runon the Windows host. A toggle menu item 'Quiet mode(no start messages)' is added to the 'Windows hostapplications' menu group in 'DOS' menu. (Wengier)
  • The menu 'Show details' (under 'Main') is renamedto 'Show FPS and RT speed in title bar'. (Wengier)
  • Add menu group 'Text-mode' under 'Video' menu tochange some text-mode related video settings, suchas changing the number of rows and columns. A zippackage named TEXTUTIL.ZIP is added to the Z drivethat contains various utilities (such as CGA.COM,EGA.COM, 132X25.COM, 132X43.COM) to change currentvideo setting from the command line. Also added aconfig option 'high intensity blinking' which whenset will display high intensity background colorsinstad of blinking foreground text. The menu item'Allow 9-pixel wide fonts' is moved from the menugroup 'Compatibility' to here. (Wengier)
  • Added 'Debugging' menu group under 'Help' menu, andmoved items from the 'Video' Debug and 'DOS' Debugmenus and the debugger here (debug builds only).Also allowed to hide/show the console or debuggerwindow in Windows debug builds. With the menu item'Console wait on error' checked the Windows consolewindow will wait for the ENTER key before closingitself after an E_EXIT occurs. (Wengier)
  • Updated MPXPLAY to latest version 1.65. (Wengier)
  • Integrated SVN commits (Allofich)
    - r4386: Correct MPU-401 clock-to-host function to operate independently of playing. Fixes hang at exit when playing Roland music in demos by The Phoney Coders. Clamp tempo to valid range.
    - r4384: ICW1 on the PIC clears the Interrupt Mask Register. Fixes Antagony and quite a few demos that expect IRQs to be unmasked.
    - r4382: Refine adlib timers a bit more and make reading the Adlib take a bit more time.
    - r4378: Prevent some possible deadlocks with sti in dynrec core.
    - r4375: Improve compatibility with older Intel chipsets
    - r4374: Add a bit of hack so cycles=max/auto 90% keeps on working inside batch files after r3925.
    - r4371: Fix regression in Clue: Master Detective.
    - r4370: As an adjunct to r4369, make the reference counts of standard device handles equivalent to those of real DOS.
    - r4369: Compatible side-effect behavior of DOS in the file close function.
    - r4368: Improve error codes for some DOS file functions.
    - r4367: Change FPU_FBST to only write 18 decimals instead of the wrongly 19, this makes it possible to switch 64 integers which in turn fixes some rounding issues. (jmarsh)
    - r4282,r4283: Switch to a different way to calculate DBOPL table offsets.
    - r4280: Prevent GenerateDMASound from running with input of 0.
    - r4279: Remove DMA_TRANSFEREND and replace with DMA_MASKED.
    - r4277: Remove cases not needed after r4276
    - r4276: Remove defunct code related to the initial display mode of the system BIOS during video mode changes.
    - r4274: fix externals.
    - r4273: Make frameskip an integer.
    - r4269: Use fabsf when return value is a float. Small warning fix.
    - r4265: Some more cleanups and memleak fixes.
    - r4264: Pick some lowhanging fruit. (some memory leaks and unused variables)
    - r4262: missed one
    - r4261: These actually use float as input.
    - r4258: Rename bios tester to biostest and make it debug only to avoid people trying to load real bioses.
    - r4257: Add simple program that allows you to boot into a bios image for running cpu tester bios.
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See also: Release notes for the previous version (0.83.6)

My love for Simcity began in the early 90’s with Simcity Classic. My family had just moved to Colorado from Omaha and we were staying with my uncle while they finished work on the house. I was first introduced to it when my uncle let me use his super fast 486 PC. I would sit for hours playing, and then let the game run by itself while my budget went up. I engrossed myself in every aspect trying to figure out the perfect measure of industrial, residential, and commercial lots. When Simcity 2000 came out my family’s PC was too slow to run it. I saved up every penny from babysitting and mowing lawns so I could buy a Sega Saturn, then I bought Simcity 2000. What followed were more countless hours building massive cities and trying to populate them with the Arcologies which were cities within cities. All this was followed by Simcity 3000, Simcity 4, then Simcity 4 with the Rush Hour expansion pack. A game I still play today more than any other. In fact you can now download hundreds of custom buildings and add-ons making the game even more incredible and realistic.I even have Simcity on my iphone.

Custom mods, add-ons, buildings, and maps for Simcity 4 Rush Hour / Deluxe can be found on these sites.

But I’m not writing about the newer version of Simcity today. Because I recently fell back in love with Simcity 2000 and I can still play it on Mac OS X, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 with DOSBox. (Even in Win7 x64!)

Anyone who hasn’t used DOS before are going to need to know a few commands first. DOSbox is a DOS emulator so all the commands work just the same but DOSbox also comes with some new ones for mounting CD’s, folders, etc. DOSbox for me has worked great with SC2k out of the box, so to speak. I haven’t had to change anything with the settings or setup a config file. Here are some simple instructions.


1. Download DOSbox for whatever OS you are using ( and install it.


2. Downloads Simcity 2000 ( free!) After you have downloaded it extract the files into a folder called SC2000 and put that on the root of your C: drive.

3. Run DOSbox and type int he following command at the Z: prompt. “mount c c:sc2000” (without the “”). This will mount the sc2000 folder as the C: drive so you can navigate to it in dosbox. Another option is to create a folder on C: called DOSgames and put all your games in there within separate directories. I currently have one with Simcity Classic, Simcity 2000, and Simant.

4. After the game folder is mounted you can navigate into it by typing “c:” at the z: prompt. This will automatically move you into the c mount. You can then type “dir” to get a directory listing and find the exe you need to run. Or just type “sc2000” to run the game. Gta v sgm tech download.

A few other commands for browsing DOS:
cd is change directory. Example would be “cd C:sc2000”
cd will take you to the root.
cd. will go up one directory

I leave you with some wonderful images of Simcity 2000 in action.

But what about Mac? Follow the instructions above, download DOSbox?Download Boxer for Mac OS. Simply follow the really easy instructions that come with Boxer.


Put the sc2000 folder in your user directory. For example usersmkauspesc2000. (Above the doucments and downloads folder).

Dosbox For Windows 7

Use the command “mount c ~/sc2000” instead, it will mount that sc2000 folder in the users directory as C:.

Dosbox 0.72 For Windows 7

Dosbox c++ for windows 7 free download

Game plays the same with music and sound!