Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 Sp6

One of our functioning VBA projects in Outlook 2010, running under Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), unexpectedly stopped functioning a few months ago. When running the VBA macro we started receiving the compile error message:
'Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found'
PROBLEM FORM CONTROL: The message was extremely frustrating because it gave no detailed indication of the source of the problem. With a little research, however, we found that the
Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6), on a userform accessed by the macro, was generating the error. A number of older articles, such as the one included below, indicated that we needed
to re-register the MSCOMCT2.OCX form control, which we did successfully (as did the original author in his question link below). Unfortunately, as the original author found, simply re-registering the form control did not resolve the problem.
1. Does anyone know why this functioning control would unexpectedly cease to function?
2. Can anyone help us restore the functionality of the 'Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6)'?
3. How come the form control is listed in the object library, is available in the 'Additional Controls' dialog, and can be inserted into a form, without any indication that it is broken?
SUPPORT ENGINEER RUN-AROUND: Another frustration is that a responding support engineer, in the prior article, keeps referring the author back to this forum, yet the question is apparently never answered back here in
the TechNet forum (which ironically refers us back to the original article in the other forum - a game of musical chairs!).
We suspect that the solution to this problem may be similar to resolving this issue for other similar form controls in other Office 2010 application, not just Outlook. After several years, and a myriad questions on the internet regarding
this exact subject, is there someone who can definitively resolve this issue with this control?
Thank you for any help.
LINK TO THE ORIGINAL UNANSWERED QUESTION (i.e., regarding the MSCOMCT2.OCX control and reference back to this forum):

The client area of a date and time picker (DTP) control displays date or time information, or both, and acts as the interface through which users modify the information. The date can be selected from a calendar, or by using an up-down control; the time can be changed by typing in fields that are defined by the control's Format Strings. Sep 26, 2009 When I insert the control on a blank worksheet (Developer, Insert, More Controls, Microsoft Date and Time Picker Controls 6.0 SP6), I get a message with 'Cannot Insert Object'. Similarly, when I try to place it on a Userform, I receive an 'Invalid argument'. The Activex control seems to be well registered: there is a 'Microsoft Windows Common.

Would you like to tell me your Excel version number (Go to Account>About Excel). I tested in my version :15.0.4569.1504 and the Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 still could be used.
Then,>> My PC is 64 bit. I believe my version of Office is also 64 bit.<< Office 2013 32 bit also could be installed in 64bit operation system. We could check it with Account>About Excel.
Next, as you said >>After I exited 'Design Mode,' it started working again. I tested it, along with my 'Clear Form' button multiple times. Warchiefs iso. It seemed to be working fine. I closed the document and reopened it. Enabled Macros.
When I tried to use it after reopen, it doesn't work again.<<
I recommend we recreate a new blank Excel file and insert the Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 to test.
If it still does not work well, please try to reinstall and re-registry it. Follow the link:
If it works well, I suppose this issue is related to macros. I recommend you post the question to MSDN forum to debug them:
George Zhao
TechNet Community Support
It's recommended to download and install
Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  1. We will then get More Controls window, from there with the help of scroll select Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) as shown below and click on OK. After clicking on it, it will enable the pointer to draw a box as per our need as shown below.
  2. More controls allow you to insert a control from the set of controls available on your computer. The control we are going to use is available by default. Once you click the more controls it open a new box with a list of options. In the list, scroll down the Microsoft date and time picker and select it.
  3. Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) merupakan salah satu element yang menarik untuk memunculkan PopUp kalender Date and Time Picker. Namun dibeberapa windows dan Microsoft Office Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) yang dibutuhkan malah tidak ada.
Microsoft date and time picker

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  • I am working on a form in Office 365 Excel 2013 that uses the Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0. When I set the form up last week, this Active X control was working perfectly. The weekend goes by..and now it's not working at all?
    My PC is 64 bit. I believe my version of Office is also 64 bit. When I researched this issue online, I found lots of people who indicated that this control was missing in their development kit. It was and has always been available in mine
    (i.e. I didn't have to load an MSCOMCT2 file). Further, this control WAS WORKING when I created it last week. Now it is not, even though no changes have been made to it. I can place the control on the sheet and even set properties for it.
    But once I click out of Design Mode, it is not functioning. It doesn't open or respond to any clicks on it.
    Can anyone help me identify a reason why it may have suddenly stopped working? I don't think it is macro-related because I have a 'Clear Form' button on the same page and it works just fine.
    UPDATE: I've noticed something else peculiar but relevant. My office 365 just did some updates. When updates were completed, it auto-reopened my file. I noticed that the Date/Time Picker button looked funny (really pixelated).
    So I hit 'Design Mode' and resized it. After I exited 'Design Mode,' it started working again. I tested it, along with my 'Clear Form' button multiple times. It seemed to be working fine. I closed the document and reopened it.
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    it's a dead button again. I also went to someone else's desk to test this form. Same problem. Date/Time picker button doesn't work, even after enabling macros. The Clear Form Button has no problems though.

    Would you like to tell me your Excel version number (Go to Account>About Excel). I tested in my version :15.0.4569.1504 and the Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 still could be used.
    Then,>> My PC is 64 bit. I believe my version of Office is also 64 bit.<< Office 2013 32 bit also could be installed in 64bit operation system. We could check it with Account>About Excel.
    Next, as you said >>After I exited 'Design Mode,' it started working again. I tested it, along with my 'Clear Form' button multiple times. It seemed to be working fine. I closed the document and reopened it. Enabled Macros.
    When I tried to use it after reopen, it doesn't work again.<<
    I recommend we recreate a new blank Excel file and insert the Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 to test.
    If it still does not work well, please try to reinstall and re-registry it. Follow the link:
    If it works well, I suppose this issue is related to macros. I recommend you post the question to MSDN forum to debug them:
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • I have created a field input worksheet in which the user identifies start and end dates for training sessions, using the Date and Time Picker Active X Control. It works fine on-screen, but when the worksheets are printed, the dates that were selected
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    Any ideas?

    The DTPicker seems to have some bugs in it when used on a worksheet. I have overcome the above by setting the size properties to the same size as a cell and the Linked cell property to the
    cell under the DTPicker. (Even setting the Linked cell had problems with an error message referring to the Check box property to be set to true so I just set it to true and inserted the linked cell and set the checkbox property back to
    Then the VBA code below that Hides the DTPicker after a date is selected and unhides the DTPicker when the linked cell with the date is selected. The code is for 2 DTPickers so you will need to edit to suit your requirements.
    Caveat: If the DTPicker is visible then you can't hide it by selecting the same date again. If this occurs then it is a multi step operation. First select another date and the DTPicker will hide, then click on another cell then back on the cell with
    the date to unhide the DTPicker and then select the correct date.
    Hope it helps and feel free to get back to me with any questions etc.
    Private Sub DTPicker1_Change()
    Me.DTPicker1.Visible = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub DTPicker2_Change()
    Me.DTPicker2.Visible = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Target.Address
    Case '$E$5' 'This is the linked cell for DTPicker1
    Me.DTPicker1.Visible = True
    Case '$E$13' 'This is the linked cell for DTPicker2
    Me.DTPicker2.Visible = True
    End Select
    End Sub
    Regards, OssieMac

  • Dear team although I registered still can use

    Would you like to tell us more detailed information? Which Office version are you using? Office 2013 or other.
    According to your description, did you mean that Date and Time Picker control was missed, even you have registered it? If yes, please see the thread below and re-download the controls to test.
    If no, please feel free let me know.
    On the other hand, if this issue occurred after installed the Microsoft Office Security Updates for December 2014, please try to see the blog:
    George Zhao
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click '[email protected]'

  • The microsoft date and time picker (6.0) is not working in systems which doesnt have MS office. What is the solution to use this in systmes which doesnt have office.

    I'm not sure what the date and time picker does, but if you use an ActiveX object which does not exist on another system, the only way for it to work is to install MS Office on the target machine. The ActiveX component has to be registered on the systems.
    Probably not what you wanted to hear.
    Is there any way you can get what you want without using ActiveX?

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    Hi jdono2,
    I'm using Windows 8 and Office 2013,and I can't reproduce this issue.
    Please make sure you have already upgraded to the latest version of excel, try to reregister the MSCOMCT2.OCX.
    Also you can try to use another date picker add-in to test this issue.
    Wind Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Kelvin,
    The answer to your question lies within the Boot Camp Beta - Installation & Setup Guide. Under the Troubleshooting section on the last page. I quote:
    My computer doesn’t always show the correct date and time.
    The Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems handle your computer’s date and time information differently, so the date and time may be different when you switch operating systems.
    For best results, use a network time server. Resync the date and time whenever you switch operating systems.
    To resync your date and time:
    In Mac OS X, reset the option to “Set date & time automatically” in the Date & Time pane of System Preferences.
    In Windows, click the Update Now button in the “Date and Time Properties” control panel.
    Alternatively, you can manually set the correct date and time when you switch operating systems.
    End quote
    Message was edited by: Red Dwarf - Beaten by the quick typing of NH Sullivan

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    I may not be perfect, but I'm all I got!
    Go to Solution.

    here is a little experiment .. building the path out of %m (month) %d (day) %(year) type stuff might help.
    putting time in ‏7 KB

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    I am having a similar problem. The time is off by 12 hours exactly (ahead). When I touch date and time, screen goes black for less than a second and then reverts to main screen with all of the icons. I have first generation touch and just noticed this problem. All of the software is up to date. Any one know of a fix for this?

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    I'm using the Current Date control on my form. This is OK for the date but I need the current time on a seperate control.
    I see it has binding options in the Object section ie date, date and time and time but only date seems to work.
    Does anyone know how I can set this to display the time only?

    Yes, that should be the answer. But, as I said, when I select time only it still displays date and time.
    In the 'Value' tab, I've been trying different settings. I set Type to User Entered options and Calculated options. I only get a blank unless I set this to 'Calculated - Read Only' and set the runtime property to the only option available which is 'Current Date/Time'
    So, there must be another setting that I need?

  • why is date and time control panel crashing?

    I haven't noticed that in iCal. I don't normally use a 24 hour clock.
    Glad to help on the other, though.
    Why reward points?(Quoted from Discussions Terms of Use.)
    The reward system helps to increase community participation. When a community member gives you (or another member) a reward for providing helpful advice or a solution to their question, your accumulated points will increase your status level within the community.
    Members may reward you with 5 points if they deem that your reply is helpful and 10 points if you post a solution to their issue. Likewise, when you mark a reply as Helpful or Solved in your own created topic, you will be awarding the respondent with the same point values.

  • put a date 1970 june 27 . and now the whole system is out of control i cant get to internet cannot change date and time always when i opened system preferences stays in a waiting mode but doesnt show any opcion don t know what to do and i just bought this computer

    It may well be a driver issue but considering the loading: Xorg trying to load different drivers is somewhat normal. @cafe you can see that these are autoconfigured by X above the loading in the log:
    Jul 20 19:48:24 arch gdm-Xorg-:0[216]: () Matched intel as autoconfigured driver 0
    Jul 20 19:48:24 arch gdm-Xorg-:0[216]: () Matched intel as autoconfigured driver 1
    Jul 20 19:48:24 arch gdm-Xorg-:0[216]: () Matched modesetting as autoconfigured driver 2
    Jul 20 19:48:24 arch gdm-Xorg-:0[216]: () Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 3
    Jul 20 19:48:24 arch gdm-Xorg-:0[216]: () Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 4
    As long as one of the drivers gets loaded, which it apparently does the failing of the others is fine.
    Was there an update maybe ?

  • In trying to update my iphone software with this latest update, our internet connectivity was screwy. When it went to sync, my iphone went black and everything on the computer screen quit. I couldn't do a thing with my iphone, it wouldn't even turn on/off so I restored. When it restored, it did not sync with the 10:30 pm time that I synced before I started the update. Instead, it synced with the 12:55 am time when the internet gave out. Which means, that I have nothing on my phone.. all is lost. So I tried another restore which tried to sync it with 1:something am. OR I had the option of choosing June 2011. Is there anyway possible that I can choose a certain date and time to restore so not all is lost?

    No, you can only restore form backup using the list of dates/times it gives you.

  • Hello,
    Let us assume that files get copied in a specific directory. We need to pick up a file and load data. Can you guys let me know how to get the most current file based on date and time stamp using SSIS?
    thx regards dinesh vv

    hi simon
    i excuted this script it is giving error.
    Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
    Write scripts using Microsoft Visual C# 2008.
    The ScriptMain is the entry point class of the script.
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace ST_9a6d985a04b249c2addd766b58fee890.csproj
    [System.AddIn.AddIn('ScriptMain', Version = '1.0', Publisher = ', Description = ')]
    public partial class ScriptMain : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.VSTARTScriptObjectModelBase
    #region VSTA generated code
    enum ScriptResults
    Success = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success,
    Failure = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Failure
    The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
    To access the object model, use the Dts property. Connections, variables, events,
    and logging features are available as members of the Dts property as shown in the following examples.
    To reference a variable, call Dts.Variables['MyCaseSensitiveVariableName'].Value;
    To post a log entry, call Dts.Log('This is my log text', 999, null);
    To fire an event, call Dts.Events.FireInformation(99, 'test', 'hit the help message', ', 0, true);
    To use the connections collection use something like the following:
    ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections.Add('OLEDB');
    cm.ConnectionString = 'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLNCLI10;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;';
    Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
    To open Help, press F1.
    public void Main()
    string file = Dts.Variables['User::FolderName'].Value.ToString();
    string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Dts.Variables['User::FolderName'].Value.ToString());
    System.IO.FileInfo finf;
    DateTime currentDate = new DateTime();
    string lastFile = string.Empty;
    foreach (string f in files)
    finf = new System.IO.FileInfo(f);
    if (finf.CreationTime >= currentDate)
    currentDate = finf.CreationTime;
    lastFile = f;
    Dts.Variables['User::LastFile'].Value = lastFile;
    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
    thx regards dinesh vv

  • Hi,
    I am working on a validation script to get the list of hotfixes installed on Domain Controllers every month as part of our monthly DC patching process. I have been successful in getting these details for DC's with (Windows Server 2008
    R2 SP1, Powershell v2.0) using the below command.
    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object PSComputerName,HotFixID,Description,InstalledBy,InstalledOn | where InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d) | FT -AutoSize
    I execute the above from a jump box with powershell v4.0 (Server 2008 R2)
    However, when I try the same command from the jump box to query DC's with (Server 2008 SP2, powershell v2.0). It doesn't return the InstalledOn date and time. It was giving error for the InstalledOn property and hence I renamed it to $_.InstalledOn. Now
    I don't get error but still no details displayed for InstalledOn property.
    I tried using the below, as could see on few forums that this might resolve the issue. I also tried removing the 'where' part but still no installation date returned.
    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object HotFixID, Description, InstalledBy, @{l='InstalledOn';e={[DateTime]::Parse($['installedon'].value,$([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo('en-US')))}}
    | where {$_.InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d)} | FT -AutoSize
    Have tried this locally on the 2008 SP2 DC but still not working. Please advise what is going wrong?
    Note: If I execute the below command locally on the 2008 SP2 DC, I am getting the InstalledOn output. However, when executed from the jump box with powershell v4.0 (Server 2008 R2) to query
    the same 2008 SP2 DC, it just gives the prompt again without any error or output. This behavior is consistent for other 2008 SP2 DC's in the environment.
    Get-HotFix -cn $computer | Select-Object HotfixID,Description,InstalledBy,InstalledOn | where {$_.InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date -Day 1 -Format d)} | FT -AutoSize

    Hi jrv, I have already tried the Win32_QuickFixEngineering option, which doesn't work either. Apologies for not mentioning the workarounds that I have already tried.
    Get-Hotfix seems to be just a wrapper for Win32_QuickFixEngineering as per the below article. (
    I have seen a mention of using the WU ActiveX control on few forums, but was too lazy to read it through.
    After rigorous testing, it makes me realize that somewhere the Get-Hotfix dates formattingcomparison isn't working.

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Have you ever wanted a calendar to show next years date? It’s easy and convenient in most of the cases.

It can be a headache to maintain the data integrity when you are working with bigger and shared Excel worksheets. Especially, entering dates can become a nasty work. It always confuses the people if they should be mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy or mm-dd-yyyy? Or can you type a date like “10 Oct 2018”? Oh, and what would be the date of the third Friday in October this year?

Adding a drop down calendar in your excel sheet can solve these problems. A drop down calendar allows your users to fill the dates on a click of mouse. This guide shows you a trick that might work for you and save you tons of your time.

Before we start, you have to make sure the developer tab is available. If the developer tab is not already available in your Excel ribbons, you can follow these steps.

The first thing you need to do is click on the file in the top left of your screen and select “Options” at the very bottom of it.

This opens a new “Excel Options” box with bunch of options to select. Now click on “Customize Ribbon” which will bring out some more settings.

Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 (sp6) Cannot Insert Object

You should check the “Developer” option in the right hand box, under main tabs.

TADA! Now you have developer tab in your Excel ribbons. This is where all the magic is going to happen.

Now that you have the developer tab, let’s jump right into creating calendar and using it as a date picker.

In the developer tab, click on insert and go to the very bottom, where it says more controls. More controls allow you to insert a control from the set of controls available on your computer. The control we are going to use is available by default.

Once you click the more controls it open a new box with a list of options. In the list, scroll down the Microsoft date and time picker and select it.

Now you need to place the calendar somewhere on the screen. So select some part on your excel sheet and place it.
In the next step, turn off the design mode under developer tab. Now when you click on the little arrow it will bring out the calendar.

Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 Sp6 Manual

If you want to use calendar as a date picker you need to take a few more steps. Don’t worry we are almost there.

Now, turn back the design mode on again and click properties under developer tab. Under the properties click on LinkedCell and enter the cell number of your date. In my case which is B2.

Once you have assigned the date cell, turn off the design mode off again.
Now when as you pick the date from calendar it changes the date in your assigned cell.

This way you can share your excel sheet with other users and they can pick a date from calendar to fill the dates.