The Forgotten City Skyrim Guide

The Forgotten City Skyrim Guide

This is the 2nd part of a multi-post series on the Skyrim mod, “The Forgotten City”.

  1. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Anybody else have trouble with Forgotten City?'
  2. The Forgotten City is based on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mod of the same name, which was the first mod in history to win a national Writers' Guild award for its script. This mod has you discovering a lost city and being tasked with solving the mysterious murders of all the people who lived there.

Part 2: People

As before: there will be quite a few spoilers ahead. Turn around if you don’t want to read them.

Skyrim Forgotten City Walkthrough This guide contains a thorough walkthrough of all the main questsof The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The descriptions most of all include information regarding ways of completing the main and side quests and the possible options, allowing you to complete mission in different ways.

2. a) First Things First: The Dwarves’ Law

In the last part, I warned you about the Dwarves’ Law. Well, I violated said law – intentionally – to show you what could happen (apologies for the sound quality):

Nothing good comes from going toe-to-toe with a Dwarven Centurion.

2. b) Talking to the People

There are at least 25 people in the Forgotten City that you can interact with. Some are more forthcoming than others. About half of them are in or around the Citadel. The rest are scattered throughout the City. A good chunk of the townspeople will go to the Tavern after 8 PM; if you don’t want to travel a lot, camp out in the Tavern. Or, you can explore the empty houses while their owners are drinking and eating. 😉

Here are the people that I talked to, the places I went, and some of the things I learned, on my quest to find out who activated the Dwarves’ Law:

Gaia (in the Citadel)

I first talked to Gaia before my visit to the Jarl. Over a couple of visits, I learned that:

  • Gaia is a Breton
  • she is currently the assistant to a Dunmer named Brol
  • she has her eye on Rykas, specifically, his armor. It is an Immaculate Dwarven Armor set; she wants to do more research on it

Gaia has a room on the ground floor of the Citadel. She is friendly but committed to her research. Seems fairly innocent.


Safina (in the Citadel)

I also talked to Safina on the way to the Jarl:

  • she is from the Warrens of Markath
  • she fell in love with Domitus and followed him here
  • she is not happy in the City and asked me to help her find a way out

Safina seems very afraid of Domitus. If you walk close to her, she always warns you that she can’t talk long because “Domitus will return soon.”

Might have to talk to Domitus very soon….

Miranda (outside the entrance to the City)

Miranda actually talks to you, once you talk to the Citadel; she starts the “Looters” event (see my last post about that event). After that’s taken care of:

  • she is a Breton, married to Habiq, a Redguard
  • she was relegaded to sweeping the streets of the Forgotten City
  • her and Habiq face prejudice and criticism from the Imperial population in the City
  • she mentions that a man named Ulrim is drowning his sorrows in the Tavern because his wife somehow escaped the city

Miranda offered the first good piece on important-sounding information. She, along with a griping Safina, both hinted at a possible racial segregation, between the Citadel-living (and not working) Imperials and the rest of the population (Redguards, Bretons, Dunmer, etc.).

Habiq (owner of the “Firefly Finery”)

Habiq can normally be found inside his clothing store:

  • he mentioned that he and his wife, Miranda, traveled the breadth of Skyrim, before settling down
  • they fled Skyrim after their son was killed by an Imperial soldier; when Habiq went to the Jarl for justice, the Jarl basically threw him out of his Hold
  • Habiq sells clothes and maybe a piece of armor or 2
  • Habiq lost his son’s ring (quest); I agreed to look for it

Both Habiq and Miranda have one possible motive for doing something to activate the Dwarves’ Law: racism. They could attack someone… maybe someone in the Citadel?

Vernon (owner of the “Fresh Produce” store)

  • Vernon is a Breton that left Skyrim, due to prejudice
  • He is homosexual and was tired of hiding his lifestyles from fellow Imperial soldiers
  • While talking to him, a letter slides under his door; it threatens him with violence because of his sexuality
  • Vernon, paraphrasing: “none of the males here are my type, so who’s harassing me? I didn’t tell anyone about my preferences”
  • quest: find out who wrote that note

Whoever wrote that note is, as of this conversation, the prime suspect, in my eye.

Rastasia’s House

After talking to Vernon, I started walking around, looking in doors. Two people shooed me out. The 3rd house was unoccupied at that moment. The two big finds in Rastasia’s house:

  • Forsworn armor, ax, and gear
  • An Amulet of Mara

With so many Imperials and Bretons running around, I don’t think that Rastasia would do something – like reveal that she’s Forsworn – that could trigger a response and trigger the Dwarves’ Law.

Brandas’ House

Another house that I came across was Brandas’s house. I found… a pair of Dwarven Immaculate Boots! I will have to talk to Gaia about those!

Being in the area, I then went to the Tavern.

Rastasia (in the Tavern)

The first person that I ran into is Rastasia, the person whose house I just searched.

  • She has a seductive voice and aura about her
  • she is admittedly the town gossip and knowledge-finder: “nothing goes on here that I don’t hear about”
  • she echoed Miranda: Ulrin spends a lot of time in the Tavern, drinking
  • she also said that Marius never leaves the Citadel, even to drink: “I don’t trust a guy that doesn’t drink”

Not much else of note came from Rastasia. Since the Tavern was empty at the time, I “waited” for a few hours. Once I wandered around for a bit, I went back to the Tavern.

Vitus (in the Tavern)

Sitting near the back of the room, I found Vitus:

  • an unpleasant fellow, Vitus stated that he was a Military Engineer for the Imperial Army
  • he figured out that the Jarl has me spying on everyone but promised to “keep my secret safe”
  • he blatantly asks you which side of the Civil War you are on. I said “I’m not taking sides”, he called a Stormcloak coward (should have gutted him!); I had to Persuade him to talk for more info
  • he admires the water pipes left behind by the Dwemer (Dwarves); he is doing some Dwemer research in his quarters
  • he keeps hearing sobbing in the Citadel, thinking the Citadel is haunted: quest to see what is causing the sobbing

I am not worrying too much about Vitus.

The Forgotten City Skyrim Guide

Rykas (wandering around town)

This caveman is wandering around town, in a set of Immaculate Dwarven Armor. He doesn’t say much; in fact, he is probably the most hostile character I’ve met, so far. What he did say, though, was important:

  • he is waiting, and ready to fight, WHEN the Dwarves’ Law is broken
  • He thinks the Centurion “statues” are alive

I would make him a prime suspect, but I think he might be an ally, if/when the Law is broken. Other than Vitus and Rastasia, Rykas seems like one of the few that could handle himself/herself in a fight, so far.

*Ulrin (Tavern)

Ulrin was, in fact, at a table, drinking.

  • he is tired of people asking him about his wife; when pressured, he admits that he doesn’t know why she left, other than she was not cheating on him; opens a quest to find his wife, Maisi

To me, it still feels like Ulrin is hiding something but I don’t know what.

*Marius (Citadel)

Skyrim se the forgotten city
  • Marius is also kind of rude and reluctant to talk… for good reason:
  • Marius is “Quintus”, the Dark Brotherhood deserter
    (side note:
    here is a minor gripe about the game’s dialogue choices: it didn’t give you a chance to “puzzle it out”. It just immediately throws you into the option to reveal his identity)
  • He admits to his alter ego and says that he is “retired”; I promised to not reveal his identity
  • The Dark Brothrhood is hunting him because it “makes them look inefficient” by losing a member

It’s hard to not finger a Brotherhood member as a prime suspect. This could be a trap. We’ll see.

*Dooley (by the Lakehouse)

  • This was an odd character
  • he has a very bad memory and might be sick (he coughed a lot)
  • he is looking for his brother’s treasure; his brother died
  • he asked around town but no one offered to help; he asked enough times that it got the Jarl’s attention: “stop asking about your brother’s treasure. It doesn’t exist!”
  • I agreed to help him find the treasure; Dooley said: “it’s hidden underground” and “hold your breath”

I also talked to a former Skooma addict and current Citadel cook (“Ashanshi”), and showed Gaia the Immacualte Boots. She didn’t respond… but Brol did, when I showed them to him. He stated that the Boots offered protection against the radiation in the Tunnels (well, THAT was new!), and wanted me to see what was down there.

I don’t have a way to get into the tunnels, yet.

Part III will begin with me talking to Domitus and maybe a character or 2 that I run into. After that I am going to work on most of those character quests (in no particular order):

  1. Name a suspect for the Jarl – likely 1st
  2. Help Dooley
  3. Find out who’s threatening Vernon
  4. Look for Ulrin’s wife, Maisa
  5. Find a way into the tunnels
  6. Find out what’s in the Citadel, sobbing
  7. Find Habiq’s lost ring

I also haven’t looked into the Palace, yet. Part IV will deal with items such as the ramifications of the Jarl’s Quest and the other quests.

Next post should be up by the evening of 9/7!

The Forgotten City Skyrim Guide
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Answer Cassia's Plea.
Quest Giver:Courier delivery upon reaching level 5
Location(s):The Forgotten City
Added by:TES5Mod:The Forgotten City

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to The Forgotten City.
  2. Speak to Cassia.
  3. Enter the Forgotten City
  4. Claim the Lakehouse key

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Upon reaching level 5, the Courier will approach you, saying 'I have a letter here for you.'

This will begin the quest, and Cassia's Plea will open and read itself to you. The note invites you to investigate the promise of 'Riches Beyond Imagining', which Cassia promises can be found in Forgotten Ruins in The Reach. She will request that you travel to the ruins and help her find her brother, Altrius, who explored them but did not return.

The Forgotten Ruins are just west of Purewater Run and east-south-east of Hag Rock Redoubt, between two waterfalls. After entering it behind the first, its interior door will automatically open for you, revealing Cassia standing before a pedestal and a plaque written in Dwarven lettering: 'Riches Beyond Imagining'.

Approach her, but be ready for her to draw her sword as she angrily yells 'That's close enough- [sic]who are you?' Depending on receipt of her letter, following your introduction, the conversation could proceed one of two ways:

Who are you?
'What do you mean? Didn't you get my letter? I paid good coin to a courier to track you down, and you're saying you just came here by coincidence?
Well, perhaps it's fate. The thing is, my younger brother went down this shaft a few days ago and I'm worried he's stuck down there, or worse.
I know this is a lot to ask, but I need you to go in after him, and bring him back to me alive. Do you think you could do that for me?'
I got your letter
'Oh, it's you! I'm so glad you're here. Look, I don't know how much time we have left. My brother went down this shaft a few days ago and I'm worried.
I need you to go in after him, and bring him back to me alive. It could be dangerous, but if anyone can do it, it's you. Now, are you ready?'
I'm ready.
'I knew I could count on you. Now quickly, go!'
Not yet. I have some questions.
'Alright, but please hurry.'
Who are you?
'My name's Cassia. My brother and I came to Skyrim from Cyrodiil with the Imperial Legion, but we took a... break... to explore these ruins.'
So you're both deserters, then?
'We didn't want to get involved in this stupid war in the first place! We only came here because we were conscripted.
But our unit was wiped out by Nords and those Forsworn savages, and we saw a chance to get away from the fighting altogether. So we took it.'
What happened here, exactly?
'Well we came here hoping to find something valuable, to pay for carriage back to Cyrodiil. Altrius went down the shaft, but he asked me to stay here.'
Why haven't you gone down there?
'Because he made me promise I'd stay here and wait for him, no matter what. And I keep my promises. Well, except as far as the Legion is concerned.'
Why did you send for me, of all people?
'I was in Markarth looking for help, when I heard people talking about you, and all the loot you've been trading with merchants all over Skyrim.
I figured you'd be interested in exploring these ruins, so I asked a courier to track you down. And here you are.'
That's all the questions I had.
'So you're ready to go now?'
I didn't come here to help you... [sic]
'Damn you! I knew sending for you was a mistake! Get away from me!'

At this point, you can inspect the plaque in front of her, or read the Dusty Journal on the small pedestal. Once you have concluded your business on the surface, jump into the unknown. Walk through the passage in the ruins, and enter The Forgotten City. Once inside, you will find an abandoned township under the ground, with no life at all save for bats and skeevers. The area is strewn with burnt corpses, and the atmosphere is one of abandonment. As you approach a dead tree, a hanged Old man drops from his noose in front of you. Beside his corpse lies an empty wine bottle, quill, and a Suicide Note. The note proves that the body is Altrius's; it intimates his tale of infinitely entering and re-entering the Lakehouse. His note goes on to urge you to kill yourself rather than endure the same fate as he did. If you choose to pursue this course of action, you may drown yourself in the lake. Otherwise, enter the Citadel to obtain the key from Altrius's ghost. As you enter it, his voice will alight the passageway and tell you that 'I was in your shoes once, a lifetime ago. I remember the way the lakehouse calls to you.' As you ascend the stairs to the Citadel's balcony, the ghost continues his story: 'I thought to myself: Do I want to die alone in here, or do I want to open that door?'

'It seems like a simple choice. But in the end, death was the better option all along.'
'Please understand. I locked the Lakehouse door to stop you from making the same mistake I made.'
'And now you ignore my words and come searching for the key.'

Forgotten City Skyrim Mod Walkthrough

After the final stairs and the final warning, you will see Altrius's Ghost around a corner. As you round the corner, it will charge from behind its own at you, yelling 'Stay away! I hid that key for a reason!' Battle and defeat the ghost. Once this is complete, exit the Citadel to its balcony, on which a small chest sits. Open it to take the key, but be prepared for a surprise: The balcony will drop from beneath you, and a voice will whisper into your ear: 'Lakehouse.' After you have recovered from the significant fall damage, head to the Lakehouse and enter it. Once inside, do not try to leave, as a voice will angrily yell 'My letter!' each time you attempt escape. Instead, go to the desk and read Metellus's Note. The letter charges you with a mission: Prevent the desolation of the Forgotten City. Once Metellus's last words have been spoken, you are free to exit. Do so, and the door will reveal a strange portal that will cast you into a different time: The Forgotten City will be bustling, illuminated by the sun under the ground. A new quest, Forget-Me-Not will begin.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Forgotten City (000FCQuest01)
StageFinishes QuestJournal Entry
10A courier tracked me down and gave me a letter. I should read it.
15I've discovered some forgotten ruins on my own...
20A woman named Cassia has written to me, asking for my help in some hidden Dwarven ruins. I should travel to the Reach to investigate.
Objective : Meet Cassia in the forgotten ruins.
30I should talk to Cassia.
100I must take a leap of faith into the city.
Objective : Enter the Forgotten City.
110I must take a leap of faith into the city.
200I should explore the Forgotten City, and then find a way out.
Objective : Explore the Forgotten City for a way out.
250I've found an old man who hanged himself, but he's too old to be Cassia's younger brother.
Objective : (Optional) Search the old man's body for a suicide note.
300The key to the Lakehouse door is being guarded by a ghost on the Citadel balcony.
Objective : (Optional) Retrive the Lakehouse key from Altrius's ghost on the Citadel balcony.
350Now that I have the key, I should use it to unlock the Lakehouse.
375The door to the Lakehouse looks strange from this side, but I'll have to pass through it to leave.
Objective : (Optional) Drink the Elixir of Acrobatics.
Objective : (Optional) Confront Deglund about the ineffective Elixir.
2000I've returned to the present and have found Altrius alive and well.
2015Altrius has suggested I attack the cracked wall in the bathroom.
Objective : Smash the cracked wall in the bathroom.
2020I should take Altrius to the Citadel bathroom where we should be able to escape the city.
Objective : (Optional) Travel back in time and show the Arbiter's helmet to him as proof of your deeds.
3000I've escorted Altrius out of the city.
3100I've concluded my business with Cassia.
4000I've returned to my original time By convincing the Arbtier to wind back the Dwarves' Law, I prevented the events which sent me back in time.
4020I have reminded that Altrius was waiting for him. He has suggested we jog up together, so we can chat along the way.
4030I've brought Altrius to Cassia.
4050Cassia has rewarded me for returning Altrius to her, and has entered the city.

The Forgotten City Skyrim Guide Guild

  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 325, 330, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050, 4010, 4015, 4025.
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